Monday, November 23, 2009

Turkey day

So he wasn't a big bird, weighing in at 3.6 kilos. He hailed from Brazil, I suppose here in ST Pete's we are thankful for globalization.
It wasn't really thanksgiving, not yet anyhow. None the less we enjoyed the opportunity to stuff ourselves into a turkey induced coma. Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another visitor

Old man winter showed up, I think he might stay a while this time, As I was walking home today I had to keep my head up as I wasn't wearing a very good snow hat and didn't want snow dripping down the back of my neck and I realized while looking around that I actually like the way the city looks in the winter. I think many years from now when I think about ST Petersburg I will picture it like this, what I consider its natural state.
Something else I realized today, I think today is the one year anniversary of the first day we came to the city, granted we only stayed a short while to find an apartment, and returned for good in January, but still something to celebrate.

A certain mother in law of mine asked for a picture of our block, so here it is.

Monday, November 9, 2009


So it has been a long time since we have posted, one of the reasons for this is that we have been getting ready for and then enjoying the company of Nikki's Parents who came to see us last week from the States, we had a wonderful time and miss them already. Here are some pictures of us all together around the city.

These two pictures are from later in the week when old man winter showed up, their first few days here were full of sunshine, but bitter cold.

The weather couldn't keep us from enjoying some palaces and musuem touring.

Here is a beautiful skyline from the top of St Issacs cathederal.