As the sign above shows we are now in Czech Republic, and almost to our destination of Garmisch for a week of skiing and relaxing in the Bavarian Alps, but for the next three days we will be in Prague. Here we will enjoy our 5th Christmas together, although this is the second one we have spent together out of the country, but away from our families. We were remembering our first christmas together this morning, which was spent in Korea. We cooked a christmas meal that we ate together on the top of my footlockers in my 12 foot square concrete barracks room, BOY have we come a long way!
On our most recent leg of the trip we saw this sign several times. We have no idea what it means. Any of our Polish Speaking friends out there we are yearning for some insight. It seems this sign was accompanied by long lines of traffic for us, which made us fear it, yet still we don't understand it.
A few days ago in Warsaw Nikki went on a hunt for the Warsaw Christmas Market.
Eventually we found a Polish Pottery outlet, no translation needed, Nicole knows exactly what that sign means. Notice she didn't even take a second to pose for the photo, she was on a mission for pottery.
Eventually we found the Christmas market, yet apparently we were a little early, as most of the stands were closed.
Eventually all the stands open, and Nikki had a great time hunting for some bargains. We hope happiness finds you all this Christmas.