Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't always know what to expect

We are now almost two months into our 32 month adventure in Russia, and so far life has been grand. There have been a couple of times however where we really don't know what is going on around us and more importantly why. Below you will find a picture of one of those examples. Last weekend we went to the Big Grocery store and found the entrance we usually use blocked by several shopping carts, but there were lots of people in the parking lot, more than we had ever seen there. We entered the parking lot through what is usually the exit for us and saw this..

Yes that is a rock concert in the Parking lot. Notice the many "fans" I especially enjoy that many brought their carts still filled with groceries out to observe the festivities.

Here is another photo from a distance, two things stand out in this one, notice the Outstanding Parking of the blue car (unfortunately, par for this course), and of course the rock concert stage in the distance..

All in all nothing too interesting, just another day at the grocery store.

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