Sunday, September 13, 2009

10 K Fun

This weekend was the 10K celebrating women's health. What a perfect way to spend a sunny Saturday. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky with a cool breeze keeping the temperatures more than favorable for running. My girlfriend and I ran together as part of the IWC group. Just to prove how small the world really is would you believe that Megan and I both went to Roanoke College! Here is the whole IWC gang before the race-

The race course took us through the city and by some of the beautiful sights. It was spectacular to run and not worry about cars running me over for once! In typical Russian style the start was mass chaos and at the first available point half of the crowd cheated by cutting the corners.
I am happy to report that Megan and I finished the race with no problems and without cheating!

Josh was unable to attend the race (because he has class of Saturdays!) But thankfully Megan's adorable family was there to meet us at the end!
Not a bad place to run is it?

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