The text says- Women in the Soviet Union have the same rights as Men.
Here is a stained glass window of Lenin. The Museum is located in the mansion where Lenin gave his first public address from a balcony after returning from Europe to lead the Russian Revolution.
The poster on top is some cold war propaganda, the top says phrases as in words, and the bottom says bases, as in Military Bases, I assume it means the sneaky distrustful Americans say peaceful things and then make more aggressive bases off the borders of the Soviet Union.
This one I believe dates from the Russian Revolutionary era, it says Kazak (as in person from Kazakhstan) You are with Who? With Us or with Them?
This one is one of my personal favorites, which side are you one, the heavenly or the hellish side... Interesting.
This one says Glory to the creator of the Constitution of the Soviet Union the Great Stalin. Around the poster are some of Stalin's handwritten notes about the Constitution.
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